This interface between Gecko 320-series servo drives and the Pico Systems Universal Stepper Controller allows the computer to read the actual position from the encoders. This allows LinuxCNCto be used as a DRO when the drivers are shut down in E-stop mode, and then the system can be put back into CNC mode at the touch of a button, with the coordinate system maintained throughout. The interface also monitors the Gecko fault signals and shuts down all drives if any one faults, and informs EMC as well. Since the drives are powered off by an E-stop, LEDs display which drive had the fault. When E-stop is cleared, the drives are reset by the interface to put them in the ready state. Optocouplers are used to make a copy of the encoder signals for the Gecko drive so that ground loops are not created. The encoders are powered by the Universal Stepper Controller so that they continue to read position during E-stop. Also, when E-stop is engaged, a braking resistor is applied to the Gecko drives to slow the motors to a controlled stop.
Gecko Interface
This interface between Gecko 320-series servo drives and the Pico Systems Universal Stepper Controller allows the computer to read the actual position from the encoders. This allows LinuxCNC to be used as a DRO when the drivers are shut down in E-stop mode, and then the system can be put back into CNC mode at the touch of a button, with the coordinate system maintained throughout. The interface also monitors the Gecko fault signals and shuts down all drives if any one faults, and informs EMC as well. Since the drives are powered off by an E-stop, LEDs display which drive had the fault. When E-stop is cleared, the drives are reset by the interface to put them in the ready state. Optocouplers are used to make a copy of the encoder signals for the Gecko drive so that ground loops are not created. The encoders are powered by the Universal Stepper Controller so that they continue to read position during E-stop. Also, when E-stop is engaged, a braking resistor is applied to the Gecko drives to slow the motors to a controlled stop.
Technical Info
Availability: 9 in stock
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